A lottery was held on February 19, 2025, under the supervision of a notary to determine the students to be employed under the scope of the İŞKUR Youth Program at our university. The list of selected candidates is shown below.
İŞKUR Youth Program Lottery Results
Important Notice: Students whose names appear on the list are candidates who have been selected to work under the İŞKUR Youth Program. However, students who are found to have incomplete or incorrect documents, who did not apply within the application period, or who do not meet the necessary conditions to benefit from the Youth Program, will not be employed.
Required Documents:
Copy of ID
Student Certificate
Criminal Record – A document showing criminal status (from E-Government)
Residence Address and Other Address document (for the participant) from E-Government
A document showing people residing in the same household (residence certificate)
Documents showing the income status of individuals residing in the same household (last month’s payslip or, if the person is not a salaried employee, income tax declaration)
Last year’s SGK (Social Security Institution) Service Document of individuals residing in the same household
Last year’s SGK Service Document of the participant
A document showing the participant's bank IBAN number
The required documents must be submitted in person to the relevant unit by 5:00 PM on February 25, 2025. Participants who do not submit their documents or submit incomplete documents within the specified time will lose their rights.
Note: According to the Address Registration System, those living in dormitories, shelters, and similar communal living spaces, as well as individuals whose identity information is concealed under Law No. 6284 on the Protection of Family and Prevention of Violence Against Women, are exempt from the household income requirement. Therefore, students in such situations are not required to submit documents 5, 6, and 7. Additionally, applications from students who are currently doing internships or working part-time at the time of application will be considered invalid.
Important Warning: Participants with errors or false information in their declarations will have the fees paid under the İŞKUR Youth Program reclaimed, along with legal interest.